How to get you CPF and why I need one?

The CPF is the Individual Taxpayer Register. It is a document made by the IRS and serves to identify taxpayers. The CPF is a number with 11 digits, which only change by court order.

The document is issued by the Brazilian IRS.
When you do your CPF, you receive the numbers that will be yours for life. And they are different for each person.

That said, let´s go in how to get yours.

You can get your CPF online in the local IRS (Receita Federal) over the Internet – Just Click Here – or through entities affiliated with the Brazilian IRS such as the Official Postal Mail and Bank of Brazil or Caixa Economica Federal.

Fill out the form with basic information, such as name, date of birth, voter title, gender, birthplace and mother’s name. The application was initially available only to people who have a voter title and are under 25 years old. This last restriction occurred because the IRS understood that “every individual at that age was already registered with the CPF”

If you think you still need help with this or any other issue regarding your documentation leave a reply or contact-us. We can help you.

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